65-63 BCE | Yeshu, the Essene 'Teacher of Righteousness' is stoned and hung by Aristobulus II. Rumors soon spread among the Essene community that he will return in 30-40 years as the 'Son of Man.' |
28 BCE | Jesus (Yeshai) and Judas beth Halachmee are born and are raised in the Essene community probably at Gamala. This is the date in the Syriac or Infancy Gospel of Thomas. It is also consistent with many Gnostic writings. |
21-16 BCE | Jesus studies with Hillel, a Babylonian Jew, who was the founder of the Academy at Gamala. |
16-5 BCE | Jesus may have visited India where he studied and taught among the Brahmans, Jains and Buddhists. |
5-4 BCE | Jesus returns to Israel where he travels around with his brother Judas and Mathaias. |
4 BCE | Jesus is reborn and Judas is probably executed by Herod for tearing down the golden eagle that Herod had erected over the main gate of the Temple. This rebirth represents the birthdate in the Gospel of Matthew. | 2 CE | Apollonius is born on February 16, in Tyana. This is the same birth year often given for Paul. |
4 BCE-6 CE | Jesus (Sadduc) travels around Israel with his father figure the founder of the Zealots Judas of Galilee. It is during this time frame that Jesus' half brothers John, Thaddeus Judas, James, Simon (Peter), Eleazar and Menachem are born. Jesus, Judas (Thomas) and James the Just were the progeny of the Galilean from an earlier marriage. The conspirators then turned John into Jesus possibly to conceal the true Jewish Messianic nature of the life of Jesus and his ties to Judas of Galilee. |
6 CE | Judas of Galilee is captured and probably crucified after the raid on Sepphoris. Jesus becomes the Jewish Messiah and flees to England with Joseph of Arimathea where he builds the Church at Glastonbury in Cornwall. This represents the birthdate in the Gospel of Luke. |
27-28 CE | Jesus, according to the Cornwall tradition, returns to Israel where he joins his younger brothers Judas Thaddeus (Theudas), Simon (Peter) and James (not the Just). He marries Mary Magdalene, at Cana, the daughter of former high priest Eleazar ben Boethus brother of defrocked high priest Joazar. | 27-28 CE | Apollonius (Apollos) is baptized in the Jordan by John the Baptist. See Paul. |
30 CE | This represents the commonly accepted date of the crucifixion. Jesus, who gives his name as Jesus ben Onanias (Onias), is crucified along with Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot. He accepts poison on the cross. |
30 CE | Jesus is purged of the poison by Simon Magus (Zealot) with the aid of Aloe and flees to Damascus Syria. |
35 CE | Apollonius makes triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. |
36 CE | The real date of the crucifixion of 'Jesus Christ.'. |
35-38 CE | Apollonius makes his first trip to India and brings back 9 writings which become the basis for the 9 Pauline Epistles. |
38 CE | Apollonius returns to Israel and forms the Nazarite Order of Nazarenes. |
44 CE | Theudas, Thaddeus Judas is beheaded by Fadus. |
47 CE | Simon (Peter) and James are crucified by Tiberius Alexander. |
45-50 CE | Apollonius makes his second trip to far India where he receives 4 writings about the Indian Christ. |
47-48 CE | Jesus and Apollonius are reported to have been in Taxila. |
50 CE | Council of Jerusalem where it is decided that Gentile converts would not be obligated to keep all Mosaic law icluding rules on circumcision. |
43-51 CE | Vespasian leads the Roman army in the modern counties of Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall of England. |
51 CE | Vespasian becomes consul of Rome. |
65-66 CE | The Pisonian Conspiracy an attempt to create a new Jewish religion for the Empire, and to kill the Emperor Nero. |
66-68 CE | Vespasian visits Mt. Carmel and is informed by a seer (Apollonius?) that he will become the Roman Emperor. He then leads the Roman army in the war in Judea before returning to Rome and leaving his son Titus in command. |
66-69 CE | Apollonius, Damis, Leucis write the gospels for Vespasian. |
69-79 CE | Vespasian becomes Emperor of Rome. |
79-81 CE | After the death of his father Titus becomes Emperor of Rome. |
81-95 CE | After the death of his brother Domitian ascends to the throne of Rome. The gospel project is shelved. |
99 CE | Apollonius of Tyana dies in Antioch. |
95-110 CE | Clement and St. Ignatius of Antioch make the first non scriptural mention of Jesus Christ, but offer little information as to who he was or what it is that he taught. It is also at this time that Suetonius and Tacitus wrote their references to Chrestos and Christiani which actually translates as Nazorean. |
135-150 CE | Marcion of Sinope, Turkey finds the writings of Apollonius, writes the Gospel of the Lord and the Gospel of Mark. He is excommunicated by the Church in 144 CE. |
185 CE | Irenaeus announces the publication of the 4 canonical gospels. |
325 CE | Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus along with Eusebius of Caesarea officially proclaim Jesus Christ the 'Son of God' and the icon of the new religion at the Nicene Council. |
326 CE | Christian persecution of those following the Greek culture (Gentiles) begins when Emperor Constantine on instructions from his mother Helen destroys the Temple of God Asclepius in Aigeai of Cilicia and many Temples of Goddess Aphrodite in Jerusalem, Aphaca, Mambre, Phoenice, Baalbek. |
359 CE | In Skythopolis, Syria, Christians organize the first death camps for the torture and execution of arrested Gentiles from all around the Empire. |
361-363 CE | Religious tolerance and restoration of Pagan cults declared in Constantinople (11th December 361) by the Pagan Emperor Flavius Claudius Julianus. On June 26, 363 Emperor Julianus is assassinated. |
364 CE | Emperor Flavius Jovianus orders the burning of the Library of Antioch. An Imperial edict (11th September) orders the death penalty for all Gentiles that worship their ancestral Gods or practice Divination. |
391 CE | In Alexandria, Egypt, the Gentiles, led by the philosopher Olympius, revolt and after some street fights, finally lock themselves inside the fortified Temple of God Serapis (The Serapeion). After a violent siege, the Christians occupy the building, demolish it, burn its famous Library and profane the cult images. |
397 CE | Emperor Flavius Arcadius orders all the still erect Pagan Temples demolished. |
The most troubling aspect of the history of Christianity is that there seems to be no mention of Jesus Christ prior to the end of the first century or about 60 years after the crucifixion. Even at that time those who mention him seem to have no idea who he was or what it is that he taught. This was after at least a part of the gospel accounts had already been written. Of course, we have no idea what the original gospels were like, but it is likely that they made the first mention of Jesus Christ. The Suetonius and Tacitus quotes were also written at the end of the first century even though they refer to events during the middle of the first century. Domitian seems totally unaware that the Jewish Messiah had already come and gone and was still searching for the Messiah during the latter part of the first century. Sharing top billiing, however, are the post Nicene Council book burnings by members of the newly established Roman Church. If the story were true there would be no reason to burn writings which quite obviously contradict the Church's claims. It seems that the original belief system was created from a Gnostic Mystery Religion and was based on a fictional or supernatural figurehead. At a later date, probably early to mid second century, it appears that Yeshu or Yeshai was chosen to be the real living crucified savior of the new Orthodox religion. However, this designation only became official after the Nicene Council in 325 CE. In other words, Jesus Christ or even Yeshu, who was converting people to the Nazorean and not the nonexistent Christian faith, was not the person who started Christianity. The true founder of the religion was Paul a fictional conflation of Apollos, Apollonius of Tyana, and Silas, the heretical Jewish Rabbi Elisha ben Abuiah, under the auspices of the Roman Emperor. |